Organize your Calendar and Week Routine Effectively using Google Calendar and Increase Your Assertiveness and Mental Peace

Even if you still use paper notes or save appointments in your memory

These are the same routines that helped me to Organize Effectively my Weekly Routine, Improve Efficiency in my Projects, and Keep a Continuous Flow of Clients Booking Appointments even when I am sleeping.


Organize your Agenda and Routine using Google Calendar

Organizing the Agenda for an Efficient Routine

Are you achieving the results you would like? What if you had better organized your schedule? Was he in a different situation now?

This is your chance to gain access to the METHOD for organizing your calendar, doubling daily efficiency and making Google Calendar your main planning tool.

Pay close attention to what you will read ahead as it may change the way you organize the week and manage your tasks.

You are about to put your hands on practices that can increase your weekly time available, eliminate forgetfulness and make the meeting scheduling process much simpler and effortless, even if you have never studied productivity methods, never used Google Calendar before, or even have advanced technology skills.

Before I can give you all the details about our training, I need to talk to you about organization, productivity, and planning.

Scheduling appointments and organizing the week can be much more enjoyable and effective when you are confident and have clarity about your week's plan.

Many people have not realized the impact of technology on routine.

Technology is part of everyday life, everything is done with the cell phone, e.g. ordering lunch, paying a bill, looking at the agenda and appointments of the day.

I remember the paper planners I used to organize my appointments. There were days with so many notes that barely fit the sheet.

I remember the sadness when I forgot my planner at home or in the office. It was a torment to schedule meetings without knowing my availability.

Not to mention losing appointments due to lack of attention and a daily check routine.

Recurring failures to meet commitments can have a very negative professional impact.

Credibility takes years to conquer, but seconds to lose.

The technological revolution has brought changes. Profound changes in the way we work, the routine and the way we handle situations.

And this is where many keep skating...

To Get New Results You Have to Do Things Differently, Change Old Habits, and Use Technology to Produce Better

Modern world changes are faster than our speed of adaptation.

Many people complain about memory problems, overwork, and distractions.

Have you noticed how simple it is to lose focus and forget about appointments?

Have you already missed appointments by oblivion? Or failed to deliver tasks for lack of organization?

It is a bad and uncomfortable situation.

But how to organize appointments effectively?

How to organize meetings and important tasks? Be reminded in advance of appointments and have a flawless routine?

When you have everything organized into an “efficient routine,” when you understand how to take advantage of technology and execute routines simply and effectively, your daily workflow improves and you free your brain from worries.

There is no reason to keep events and appointments in memory, to do so is to overload the mind with unnecessary matters. You can put your phone to take care of it for you more effectively.

I serve many consulting clients, my schedule is usually full every day, when I realized that I could automate meeting scheduling and have Google Calendar as the central repository of my appointments, a lot has changed.

My weekly planning and prioritization process has greatly improved.

And that's exactly what you can implement in your routine.

The more organized your routine, the greater the focus, concentration, and sense of priority.

If you want to organize your calendar and optimize your time, I will share with you practical routines for you to apply using Google Calendar + Evernote.

What you need to do is start implementing a predictable and productive routine. In other words, a ROUTINE for you to organize your day more efficiently.

You can absorb ready-made practices and start optimizing your day today.

There are specific processes for organizing files, others for planning a routine, and others for optimizing your time.

Well, that's exactly what I want to help you with this training.


Agility, focus and organization to optimize routine

Just $97

Practical Routines to Organize your Day

Get your Bonus Today:

Organize your Daily Tasks using Evernote


Organize your Agenda and Routine using Google Calendar


How to set up Google Calendar to optimize your daily / weekly routine.

Like never forgetting appointments and being ashamed of delays.

The differences between appointments and tasks, and how to make the best use of each.

How to automate calendar use in a professional way. Never waste time searching for week's availability.

How to create a family calendar and streamline the process of vacation planning and weekend appointments.

How to organize tasks efficiently using Evernote integrated with Google Calendar.

How to abandon the paper agenda and get benefits of the digital agenda, particularly using automations.

Use your voice to organize your calendar and create appointments efficiently.


All integrated and practical


The foundation

  • Paper Planner x Digital Calendar
  • The importance of using an agenda.
  • The essential difference between appointments vs. tasks and their characteristics
  • What is an advanced calendar automation scenario?



  • Google Calendar Overview and Practice.
  • Important Strategies for Appointments Creation
  • Shared Calendar
  • Holidays and Birthdays
  • Optimized Settings for an efficient practice / routine.


Real scenarios

  • 5 Best Practices for Optimizing Your Daily Routine
  • How to plan a family vacation collaboratively.
  • Creating appointments just by using voice.
  • How to Manage and Organize Company resources like Meeting Rooms and equipments


Save time Booking Meetings

  • How to Automate your calendar in 3 simple steps
  • Get practical examples for Scheduling Optimizations
  • Step by step process to have your online booking system ready
  • Save time and improve your customer experience on booking a time with you


Organize your Daily Tasks

  • How to manage tasks efficiently with Evernote.
  • Copy and paste an optimized structure for organizing daily / weekly tasks.
  • Understand the concept of INBOX and mind emptying.
  • Use reminders to prioritize tasks and remember important actions.
  • Learn how to sync tasks in Evernote with Google Calendar.

Organize your Agenda and Routine using Google Calendar

Practical Routines Step-by-Step

Paper Planner x Digital Agenda, benefits of each
Recommendations and Practical Use
Just Use Your Voice to Manage Everything
An Integrated and Productive Daily Routine
Never miss an appointment
Your real-time availability and self-book appointments


"It's great!

It's already helping my productivity.

Fits perfectly into my routine.

I'm using Evernote and with Google Calendar in sync, so now I won't lose focus on my tasks and activities.

Celso Rodrigues de Oliveira


"This is what I was looking for to gain more time. It will definitely help in the routine. I work in the city hall and I use Evernote a lot to help me with the routines, now with this kind of schedule, I will gain more time and agility. At work, in the church and in personal life. "

Adão Claiton

Public Agent

I never needed an agenda because I had everything, had great memory.

But age spoils everything.

Now, kind of awkward to organize myself and with technology.

It was nice to find such a good advisor like you.

Thank you Mauricio

Roberto Cavalheiro


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Organize Effectively your Day using Google Calendar

Just $97

Practical Routines to Organize your Day

Get your Bonus Today:

Organize your Daily Tasks using Evernote


Organize your Agenda and Routine using Google Calendar

Gain efficiency in the routine is not just learned by reading books, but mainly by putting it into practice on a daily basis.


And when you have guidance and you see someone doing it, everything gets easier.


These are ready-made practices that you will receive in this training to facilitate and accelerate your learning process and organization.


Organize your Agenda and Routine using Google Calendar


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